Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Explanation Text

Hello dear readers, bloggers, and other -ers around me!
First of all thanks a lot for sparing your time to visit my blog and see what's inside. Not much, but I hope it can help you somehow (If it didn't, then forgive me like for real):D. 
Alright, as you all know, everything happens for a reason. There's no such an accident happens, especially, when it is related to natural, social, scientific, or cultural phenomena. In english language, even to explain those things mentioned above, we need to learn a spesific kind of text which is called Explanation text. Spoken and Written, both need a good explanation. And have a good explanation text means you have increased your English. Ready? Fasten your seatbelt ladies and gentleman, here we go!

  • WHAT? 
 Explanation text is a text which tell PROCESS relating to forming of natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say WHY and HOW about the forming of the phenomena. It is often found in science, geography, and history text books. Its communicative purpose is TO EXPLAIN THE PROCESS HOW/WHY SOMETHING OCCURS involved in the information or workings of natural or socio-cultural phenomena.


This section will discuss about What is the Generic Structure of Explanation Text?

There are three main structure of Explanation Text, let's know them better!

1. General statement
Stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained. It may as a part phenomenon's introduction, or a bit about general things of the phenomenon itself. to introduce the topic, e.g. in the autumn some birds migrate

A series of logical steps explaining how or why something occurs, e.g. because hours of daylight shorten
Steps continue until the final state is produced or the explanation is complete.

2. Sequenced explanation
Stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena. A squenced of explanation also answers the WHY and HOW when the writer writes the explanation text. Sequenced explanation consists of more than one paragraph.

  • THIRD WHAT? ( I personally think it is still okay to use 'what' as a basic question more than once, ;) )

Types of Explanation
There are two basic types of explanation which focus on:
  • "How" (How does a pump work? How does a computer work? How are mountains formed? How does a spider spin a web? etc.) 

  • "Why" (Why do some things float or sink? Why is the ozone layer getting thinner? Why does iron go rusty? Why do living things need food?)
  •  FORTH WHAT? ( Last what)

Language features Explanation Text
In an explanation text, there are Dalam sebuah explanation text, terdapat ciri-ciri kebahasaan seperti di bawah ini, yaitu:  

  • Use simple present tense 
  • Use abstract noun (ex: the temperature) 
  • Present tense, e.g. many birds fly south
  • Connectives that signal time, e.g. then, next, several months later
  •  Causal connectives, e.g. because, so, this causes  
  • often have a logical sequence 
  • use cause/effect relationships (then, as a consequence, so, if)   
  • use time relationships (first, then, following, finally)   
  • written in the 'timeless' present tense (are, turns, happens)   
  • use of action verbs (falls, rises, changes)   
  • use of non-human participants (the sea, the mountains, the computers, the engine)   
  • conjunctions (when, then, first, after this so)   
  • some passives (is saturated, are changed)   
  • use of nouns tends to be general rather than specific (cars, boats, spiders, schools)   
  • use of pronouns (their, they, them) 
It's not a cheat in an online game or others. It's a simple tips for you who have a very unlimited will to start to make your own explanation text. Watch this out! :D

1. Decide whether diagrams, charts, illustrations or a flow chart would help to explain.
2. Use a title that indicates what you are writing about.
3. Using how or why in the title helps. Try to make the title intrigue (interest) the reader, e.g. Why do sloths hang about?. 

4. Use the first paragraph to introduce your subject to the reader.
5. Organise the writing and illustrations to explain: what you need, how it works, why it works (cause and effect), when and where it works, what it is used for.
6. Add in extra, interesting information.
7. Try to end by relating the subject to the reader.
8. If you use specialised terminology a glossary may be needed. 

9. Interest the reader with exclamation, eg Beware - whirlwinds can kill!
10. Or use questions, e.g. Did you know that…?
11. Draw the reader in, e.g. strange as it may seem…, not many people know that…
Finally …
   re-read your explanation, pretending you know nothing about the subject - is it clear?

Sure it is, you're such a fastest learner ;)
Here comes your present !

Explanation text mempunyai pengertian teks yang mempunyai fungsi sosial untuk menjelaskan mengapa dan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi. Beberapa alasan terjadinya sesuatu dijabarkan dengan gamblang lalu dijelaskan pula proses terjadinya sesuatu tersebut. Explanation text mempunyai tiga bagian. Bagian pertama, menyampaikan fenomena atau kejadian [statement]. Kedua, menyampaikan penjelasan secara runtut [sequence explanation]. Ketiga, menyimpulkan apa yang sudah dijelaskan [conclusion]. Perhatikan contoh explanation text berikut ini secara seksama. Tulisan berwarna merah menunjukkan bagian-bagian teks (generic structure). Where does rain come from? [statement] Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all that water get into the sky? [explanation] Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot water. The steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows, and then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows. [explanation] The world is like your bathroom. The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds of kilometers. Then the clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops of water are rain. [conclusion] The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into oceans. And the water from oceans makes clouds and more rain. So water is always moving from oceans to clouds to rain to rivers to oceans. So the rain on your head was on other heads before! The water in your garden was in other gardens in other countries.

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