"I'm right because of blah blah blah..."
"No, You're wrong because of blah blah blah..."
" What is the evidence? The status quo didn't state like that!"
Did you ever have those tense conversation above? Well I called it clash of argument. We all think that we are right about everything right? But, since there are more than a billion people living in this planet, it means more than a billion minds and perspective to deal with, that's why we often have those clashes of arguments, from the simple until the complicated one.
Our material today is going to talk about Discussion Text, where those arguments are put in their appropriate order to gain a great conclusion of the issues raised without no World War III coming along. :D Enjoy it lovely readers ! :)
1. Definition
Discussion is a text
which presents a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different points of view. It presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue.
purpose of a discussion text is to present arguments and information from
differing viewpoints. Discussion
texts are usually written in the present tense.
2. Points to check
- Have you been fair to both
- Have you supported your
views with reasons ande vidence?
- In your conclusion, have
you given a reason for what you have decided?
3. Generic Structure
- Issue : contains
of statement and preview about something.
- Arguments for/Supporting arguments : after
stating the issue, it is necessary to present the argument to support that
one point is agreeing.
- Arguments against : beside the supporting argument,
discussion text need the arguments which disagree to the stated issue.
- Recommendation/conclusion : It is used to tell how to solve issue by concerning the arguements
for and against.
4. Language Features
- Introducing
category or generic participant.
- Relating verb/to be: is,
am, are, etc.
- Using thinking verb: feel,
hope, believe, etc.
- Using
additive, contrastive, and causal connection: similarly, on the hand, however, etc.
- Using
modalities: must,
should, could, may, etc.
- Using adverbial of manner:
deliberately, hopefully, etc.
- Conjunction/transition:
although, even, if, etc
Bringing Mobile Phone To School
[Issue] Students
are not allowed to bring mobile phone to school. The reasons why they shouldn't
bring mobile phone are: avoiding losing mobile phone and disturbing the lesson
against] This policy causes parents to react. Some of them disagrees. They
think students need to bring mobile phone in order to be easy checked and
controlled. Some parents say that they may call their children every break time
to check whether they are in the school or not. Other parents state that they
don't want their children to come home late. By bringing mobile phone they are
able to call their children after school off.
[Argument against] Students also
have some objections. They need mobile phone to tell their family to pick them
up after school. Beside that, they need mobile phone to access the internet to
search some information they need during the lesson.
for] But, some other parents think differently. The parents agrees if the
school prohibits students to bring mobile phone. They say that bringing mobile
phone to school is useless. They are afraid their students are busy with their
mobile phone. They are only calling, sending text, chatting and receiving
inappropriate file during the school time. They are also worried if the mobile
phone is missing.
By hearing to those arguments, the school decide some policies. The
policies state that students may bring mobile phone but they should leave their
mobile phone in the teachers' room. They may take their mobile phone after
school time.
National Exam: Pro and Contra?
exam becomes the hot topic in most of discussions. Though the Supreme Court has
rejected an appeal by the go-vernment on the organization of the national
exams, the controversy over whether it is necessary to maintain the national
exams (UN) has continued. Some debates include the primary questions such as;
does the quality of Indonesia
education depend on the national exam?, will the quality of the Indonesian
education system worsen without national exam?
who support the national exam explain that the quality of the Indonesia education system will
drop without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system.
there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national
exam kept in our high school education say that it doesn't need the national
exams because the quality of education does not just depend on the national
exam. Further, the national exam only measures a small portion of students'
competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students' competences
throughout the semester.
fact, the national examination can still be useful as an instrument to evaluate
or detect the level of students' cognitive competence in several subjects, on a
national scale.
Got it? I told you English is fun to be learned!
Your belonging guys, QUOTE FOR TODAY ! :)
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